When I purchased my 15-inch MacBook Pro in July 2009, it came with Mac OS X 10.5.7 (Leopard), but I immediately upgraded to Snow Leopard when it was released a month or so afterwards.
It was sort of a gut-reply based largely on fond memories of using that Mac OS version quite extensively. When I wrote back to those who asked me, I replied Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. It’s a more than fair question, and this piece serves as an answer. A few - some provocatively, some genuinely curious - asked me something along the lines of, Well, if you dislike the current Big Sur UI and Mac experience, what’s an example of Mac OS UI and experience you DO like? The sheer majority of feedback I received was very positive, with many many people agreeing with me and my observations. Unlike my four-part series Mac OS Catalina: more trouble than it’s worth, however, it didn’t attract any hate mail at all. My recent article, The reshaped Mac experience, received a lot of attention judging from the response on Twitter and the WordPress analytics - apparently, among other places, it reached Hacker News and Reddit.