Skype for Business help, A subscription to make the most of your time, Skype for Business Server 2015 CU4 (build 9319.272 or later), Lync Server 2013 CU8 HF1 (build 8309.973 or later), Updates for Skype for Business Server 2015. Here we have enabled Remote User Access on both the External Access Policy and Access Edge Configuration tabs of the Global Policies and Configuration as well as created a Site External Policy with Remote User Access disabled. Do one of the following: In Internet Explorer, at the bottom of the browser window, select Run to install the plug-in.
We looked at the Federation and External Access Configuration and with some troubleshooting and testing we found that we needed to turn on Remote User Access on both the External Access Policy and Access Edge Configuration tabs of the Global Policy and Configuration the above error was resolved. If its is not responding to you pressing the power button.
When we sent out the meeting invites and external users tried to join they received the below error message. Your Ematic tablet comes with a variety of Google services and business productivity apps.
In a recent deployment I had a customer that wanted to enable the feature of allowing external parties into a Lync conference however they did not want the internal users to be able to connect from a Lync client externally ie not on corporate approved devices.